BIM (Revit)
BIM-modeling is highly applied nowadays in construction design.BIM - Building Information Modeling or Building Information Model.

Building information modeling is an approach to the construction, equipment, maintenance and repair of a building (to manage the object life cycle), which involves the collection and complete processing during modeling of all architectural, technological, economic and other information about the building with all its relationships and dependencies, when a building and everything related to it are considered as a single object.
Measures for introduction of this technology for all stages of project life are approved at the government level; a legal basis for use of information modeling in construction is being created.
The Autodesk Revit platform, for which Transparent structures families of Tatprof architectural system was created, acquired the largest development for BIM modeling in the Russian Federation. At the moment, various designs of the loggias, balcony blocks, entrance groups, window and door packages have been prepared.
Also for the purposes of development and widespread distribution, all Tatprof design constructions are placed on the BIMLIB platform - a virtual library for effective cooperation with participants in the construction market using an information modeling environment. Look for TATPROF JSC on website at the TATPROF Family link.
It is possible to download ready families as archived file filling in an application and sending it per e-mail to us.